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Clusty Techniques, Ways Of Using It

Way To Use Boolean Logic.

There are many things in boolean logic, We will only list the most popular few used by Clusty users. Examples: " ", -, +.

To use " ", often known as "double quotes", Type a phrase including 2 words or more and start and end the phrase with " ", Like "The nine planets" and it will search this specific phrase.

To use +, often known as "Plus", You write a word then a space and put the + and a word right after the "Plus" without adding a space. Like Planets +Earth and it will search up everything related to planets and Earth. The plus/+ acts like "And" to the search.

To use -, often known as "Minus", You write a word then a space and put the - and a word right after the "Minus" without adding a space. Like Planets -Earth, and it will search about planets without the term "Earth".

Those are all the boolean logic terms used and compatible with Clusty. We hope you learned alot!

Ways To Use Clusty To The Max :)

To use Clusty to the max you must go to the "Advanced Search" option, set the preferences you like..Languages, adult filter, etc. Once you are done setting your preferences set the words you want to search for aswell, use boolean logic as well in your search terms and once you use all of these techniques, the search results amount will decrease greatly and will allow you to find exactly what you want with ease.

To even lower the amount of search results, separate it into images, news, jobs, etc. If you want jobs, search in the job section to even lower the results! If you use these techniques you will for sure easily find what you want!

We hope you liked these techniques as they will help you refine your search, we hope you have fun using Clusty!!